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Plucky 19th century Canadian girl finds an
acting career and love in Toronto. but must support her two young children and
herself when their much older father dies in 1864. She becomes a notable
Broadway actress, touring California seven times and performing for and meeting
Grover Cleveland in the White House.
John Nickinson and EJ Phillips --
What we don't know
Nickinson Chronology 1830-2018
Excel EJ Phillips, John Nickinson, Nickinson children
Dion Boucicault and The Octoroon
Historical Tourism and biographies with thanks to Sarah Vowell and Richard Holmes for their inspiring books
Boston Theatre Old Landmarks of Boston Boston Railway stations
Buffalo walking tour Great architecture, Olmstead parks and the Historical Society building from the Pan American Exposition of 1901 -- reminds me of the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago. My thanks to Ellen and George
Chicago 2012 photographs Cincinnati of John Nickinson and EJ Phillips I haven't really been to Cincinnati, only the airport (which is in Kentucky). But I did find some nice photographic histories in the airport bookstore.
Los Angeles 2013 Lucky Baldwin's house and Arboretum Middletown, NY New Orleans New York and John Nickinson Other letters and the play Burnt Over Manhattan Walking tours
Philadelphia 2011 photographs Portland Oregon 2014 photographs San Francisco Toronto Vancouver 2014 photographs Washington DC April 2014 trips to Arlington and the Lincoln Cottage
I've been experimenting with Google Maps as they seem incredibly well suited to getting maps of neighborhoods EJ Phillips lived and/or worked in. The web has become increasingly valuable for history and historical accounts over the past 15-20 years. It took me awhile to realize that the Willard and Palmer House Hotels were not the buildings EJ Phillips had stayed at -- though they are on the same sites. New York, with a wealth of addresses and years of letters has been the most tractable (and compact) place to investigate. See photographs of Boston .
stations Baltimore
Washington DC
Western railroad trip planned
I had a wonderful time visiting cousin Sue
Spencer in Toronto in June 2005, and getting a sense of John Nickinson's -- and
EJ Phillips' time there. Thomas Phillips [my generation's
great-great-great grandfather] helped build the
Rideau Ottawa
Canal, "arguably the most scenic waterway in North America, links the
lakes and rivers between Ottawa and Kingston, and is the oldest continuously
operated canal in North America. The locks are operated today much as they were
when first opened in 1832." [Sounds like another worthwhile trip someday.]
EJ Phillips
grew up in
Hamilton and her parents are buried there.
Canada city and cemetery tours
postcards Brief history of the postcard in Canada
EJ Phillips
first stage
EJ Phillips' handwritten autobiography
found in the Harvard Theatre Collection
New pictures of EJ Phillips A.R. Miller's Photographic Gallery,
Indianapolis No 45 E. Washington St. [about 1860]
John Nickinson Dewey's Gallery 102 W. Fifth St., bet. Vine & Race,
Cincinnati [1862]
more on Cincinnati and the Nickinsons
new [to us]
John Nickinson obituary
another new
[to us] John Nickinson photograph
Allister Hardiman e-mailed
from Australia about a photograph of "Auntie"
Christine Zavistowski
The Nickinsons and the
EJ Phillips' professional photographs
Need to scan in a new cigarette card of
Maud Harrison's I found on eBay.
John Nickinson
account New photograph of
Did John Nickinson
ever meet Edgar Allan Poe?
Did they drink on this
street in New York?
John Nickinson
compared (favorably) with Charles Dickens
Importance of Nickinson's military career for his theatrical work
and expanded after visiting cousin
Sue Spencer
in June 2005 walking
Royal Lyceum Theatre site today
Lola Montez
and John Nickinson
EJ Phillips
enters the picture
New pictures of
Nickinson Morrison and family,
Eliza Nickinson
Charles Peters,
Nickinson Marlowe
Owen Marlowe
Many thanks to Toronto theater historian Mary Shortt.
1858 Royal Lyceum playbill The great Nautical Drama of the SEA! Lost and Saved! STORM AT SEA! AND THE RESCUE! John Nickinson may have been a soldier, but grandson Ted Nickinson went to Annapolis and wound up living in Pensacola, a Navy town, as did his parents.
Another Nickinson production of Uncle Tom -- this time the play is by Harriet
Beecher Stowe.
In six acts and twelve tableaux, Davies as Uncle Tom, Miles as George Harris
(the fugitive), Nickinson as Phineas Fletcher, Miss Kimberly as Eliza, Miss
Blanche as Eva, Miss Phillips as Cassey and Emily L. Miles as Topsy (the girl
that never was born). Where did I find this?
No date,
no place identifiable "To-morrow evening benefit of J. Nickinson, when a great
will be offered. Lady and Gent, front seats 70 cents; single gent, 35 cents
other parts of the house admission will be 25 cents. Phineas Fletcher was the
Quaker who helped slaves escape. Cassey was a slave belonging to Simon Legree.
more on Uncle Tom's
Gilder, Rosamond, Enter the Actress: The First Women in the Theater, NY:
Theatre Arts Books, 1960
Lerner, Gerda, The Majority Finds its Past: Placing Women in History: NY Oxford University Press,
Last updated August 28, 2020
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