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EJ Phillips' Manhattan
A walking tour with glimpses of the 1880s and 1890s
New York Letters
Google map EJ Phillips' New York City 1870s-1890s
Much of EJ Phillips'
New York has vanished -- but there are still traces -- and old photographs and
new websites. Her addresses mark the steady northward movement of theaters, but
rarely stray far from Broadway. Photographs are from three trips to New
York in March 2005 to see Catherine Osborne's
Burnt Over, Journeyman
more on Burnt
and a chance to explore some of
Nickinson's New York in Lower Manhattan with
Bob and Linda Osborne
who have seen this
evolve from the very beginning.
June 2003 South from Times Square to
West 12th St. Thanks to Nola Van
Hoy and Isabel for their company.
Nov. 2002 North to Madison Square from Chinatown (dim sum) and
Street with sister Marjorie and her friend Barry
New York was the first big city I visited having been born in and grown up in Florida, and the first place I saw snow. I would not have said I had any relatives who had lived there before the 1960s -- but I would have been wrong. An even greater surprise was finding that I could look EJ Phillips' reviews -- and obituary -- up in the New York Times. Exploring the streets, looking for traces of her life has been fun, and I'd like to do more, and look forward to exploring archives and theatrical resources in the Bibliography.
EJP Addresses
* revisit
a. 39 West 12th St. 1886-1887 36 East 21st Street
1893 *
b. 47 East 21st St 1888-1893 51 East 21st St. 1895 *
c. Aberdeen Broadway & 21st St. 1894 *
50 West 24th St 1887-1888
e. Sturtevant 1186 Broadway (& 29th St.) 1897
f. 26 West 31st. St. 1891-1892
475 Fourth Ave 1886
h. Rossmore Hotel, Broadway, 41st and 42nd Sts 1887 *
1. Olympic Theatre 1837
John Nickinson
444 Broadway, between Howard and Grande
Wallacks Theatre (Second 1861) 485 Broadway,
near Broome St.
Tony Pastors
North side of 14th Street, near
Third Avenue, in the Tammany Hall Building
4. Union Square Theatre (1871-1885) South
side of Union Square, between Broadway & 4th Avenue 58 E. 14th St IBDB
Lyceum Theatre
West side of Fourth Avenue
between 23rd and 24th Streets
Grand Opera House Northwest corner of
Eighth Avenue and West 23rd Street,
Madison Square Theatre
(1877-1908) 24th St. (5th and Madison)
8. Madison Square Garden Theatre NE corner of
Madison Square,
Stanford White
Daly's Theatre (1879) 1221 Broadway .
Wallacks Theatre (third 1882) later
Palmers Theatre
(1888) then Hoyt's (1891) 30th and Broadway
Empire Theatre
(1893) 1430 Broadway (and 40th.
Harlem Opera House, 207 West 125th St. opened
1889, Oscar Hammerstein
A. Desbrosses St. Ferry
Health Dept. of the City of New York Bureau
of Vital Statistics, No. 301 Mott St.
Washington Square
George Washington Centennial
Ladies Mile Broadway 8th to 23rd Street
Delmonico's 1869 26th St.. between Fifth
Ave and Broadway
E. Luchow's 1882 14th St. near Irving Place
Players Club 1881 15 Gramercy Park West,
Macy's 1858 6th Ave near 14th Street
Simpson's & Crawford's department store, Fifth
Ave. between 19th and 20th Streets
H. 5 A's American Actors Amateur Athletic Association
43 West 29th Street *
Holland House 30th St & 5th Avenue
Waldorf Hotel 1893 Fifth Ave. and 33rd. St.
Metropolitan Opera House Broadway, 7th
Ave, 39th and 40th Sts.
Grand Central Depot 42nd Street
DesBrosses ferry DesBrosses
Street is a very short street, just south of Canal Street, near today's Holland
Newark, Apr. 6, 1894 I took
Walter [Dolman]
to New York yesterday. Got in 6th Ave car at
DesBrosses ferry and rode
up to 59th St. [why to 59th?] Then walked down 5th Ave to 42nd. Took 4th Ave
car down to 21st. Went to
Nagles and had lunch with Dr & Mrs. N[agle]. Introduced Walter to
Lizzie & Fanny Kirby. After a chat for an hour or so, we took 4th Ave Car down
the Bowery to Broome & Centre to Grand and changed to DesBrosses Street cars.
On our way I showed him the various theatres
DesBrosses Ferry terminal
Kings NYC
New York- Jersey City ferries
Pier 11, Wall St. and West 38th St. to Port Liberte
http://www.jerseycityonline.com/ferry/ferry_information.htm#Ferry from Liberty
Harbor Marina, New Jersey to Pier 11, Wall Street, Manhattan 15 minutes
Pier 78 West 38th St and 12th Ave. to Colgate Palmolive, Exchange Place, Jersey
http://www.jerseycityonline.com/ferry/ferry_information.htm#Colgate Center Ferry
(Exchange Place, Jersey City) 15-20 minutes, depending on stops.
New York Waterway
http://www.nywaterway.com/ Up through the 1800's, ferries were the only way
to get to and around Manhattan. As bridges and tunnels were built, ferry
transportation faded. .. West 38th Street ferry terminal
6th Avenue omnibuses
Avenue El
South Street Seaport, March 2005
George Washington Inauguration 1889 Centennial Federal Hall 26 Wall Street
Albert's father-in-law Cornelius Macardell, Neppie's father, owned a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. The building he went to (built 1865 and enlarged 1880-1991) was demolished in 1901 to build on the same site 8-18 Broad Street.
Did John
Nickinson ever meet Edgar Allan Poe?
excitement apart from his [Edgar Allan Poe's] labor, he sought the companionship
of his guild downtown, and he found that, too, in a little store in
Street, between
Ann and
Beekman, where gathered a few elevated
literary minds, reinforced by a sprinkling of actors like Peter Cunningham, John
Brougham, Oliver Raymond, Tom Johnston and John Nickinson. It was not a
dramshop, but it dispensed various kinds of nervine, and it had facilities for
adding emphasis to what ‘the Governor of North Carolina once said to the
Governor of South Carolina. Some Memorials of Edgar Allan Poe,”
Leslie’s Popular Monthly, April 1891, vol. XXXI, no. 4, pp. 457-464
more on
John Nickinson, the governors and drinking
Nassau Street between Ann and Beekman Streets
Bob & Linda Osborne Linda and Mary Glen
After leaving the Canadian Army in 1835 and seasons in Montreal and then Albany (1836-37) the Nickinson family [John and first wife Mary Ann, four daughters and son John Jr.] came to New York at the Franklin and Park Theatres, then to William Mitchell's Olympic from 1841-1850, until it closed abruptly.
Tiffany & Co.
was once located at 550 Broadway between Prince and Spring Streets where Banana
Republic now resides, on the block between Niblo’s Garden and the St. Nicholas.
Tiffany & Co. history
Tiffany Timeline
Detroit Dec 13 1892 [I] shall be just as well pleased with a letter telling me you are all well, as with the richest gift you could possibly buy from Tiffanys.
William Mitchell's Olympic Theatre [map] Broadway between Howard and Grand. [Identified as "the site now occupied by 622 and 624 Broadway" in Mrs. Gilbert's Dec 1904 obituary from an unidentified New York newspaper.] John Nickinson was at the Olympic Theatre from 1841-1850, until it abruptly closed.
Mitchell's Olympic 1837-1854
Mitchell, Comedian, Late of Theatre Royal Covent Garden, London, Proprietor of
the Olympic Theatre, New York, London, 1848
1832 New York Seabury Treadwell house, 29 East Fourth St. http://www.nyc-architecture.com/LES/LES017.htm A glimpse of John Nickinson's era in New York
Wallacks Theatre [map] (Second 1861) 485 Broadway, near Broome St. 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Dept. of the
City of New York [map]
Bureau of Vital Statistics, No. 301 Mott St. is where
Dr. Nagle worked.
Seems now [Nov. 2002] to be a billiards parlor.
Columbus Park’s opening was written
up in the New York Times, June 16, 1897 p. 7
Bounded by Baxter (formally Orange), Worth (formerly Anthony), Bayard and
Mulberry Street, the site has alternately been named Mulberry Bend Park, Five
Points Park and Paradise Park. Situated in the heart of one of the oldest
residential areas of Manhattan , adjacent to the infamous “Five Points” and “the
Tenement Museum, 90 Orchard St. New York http://www.tenement.org/ Dr. Nagle and Jacob Riis
During the 1889 George Washington Centennial celebration a temporary arch (designed by architect Stanford White) spanned Fifth Ave. A permanent arch (also designed by White) was put up in Washington Square in 1890-1892.
Milwaukee Feb. 17, 1893 I do not yet know where I can put up, for all the rooms are occupied at Nagles 47 E. 21st. St., and the hotels of which there are many in the vicinity, are expensive. But I am going to try the Hotel Dane or St Denis.
Hotel St. Denis was at Broadway and 11th Street, opposite Grace Church. "A few minutes walk above the St. Denis is the brilliant Union Square and the shopping district extends on all sides...The Broadway cable cars pass the doors almost every minute." Kings NYC 1893 Grace Church http://www.gracechurchnyc.org/
39 West 12th St.
[map] (1886)
Oct. 14, 1886 I was very busy yesterday. Went to look
at rooms, took them and move today to 39 West 12th Street -- near the old
camping ground, opposite where
[Zavistowski Webb] used to live. I have 2nd story front room. Miss
Omera is the landlady's name and she has lived in the house 20 years, boarders
have been with her 12 and 15 years. That ought to be a good recommendation. I
find this [Ashland House, 24th St. and Fourth Ave.] too expensive.
39 West 12th St. 2003
The building with the blue awning.
38 and 40 West 12th St.
The other side of West 12th St. may look more as it did in EJ Phillips' days.
Preceding the third Wallacks Theatre [map] had been two on Broadway near Broome Street (Soho) from 1852-1861, and then Broadway at Thirteenth Street (just south of Union Square) from 1861-1881.
Ladies' Mile [map] began in 1862
when A. T. Stewart moved his department store into a large white Venetian
cast-iron palace at 9th Street, near Grace Church. The Stewart store has
been demolished, but its extension, designed by D. H. Burnham in 1902 for John
Wanamaker, survives at 9th Street. New York's Ladies Mile and what became of it
The Drive to protect the Ladies' Mile History
A group called the Drive to Protect Ladies' Mile has organized to insure that success doesn't kill the buildings that survived even failure. The group petitioned the Landmarks Preservation Commission to make Ladies' Mile a historic district, which would mean no building there could be demolished or externally altered without the commission's approval. Neighboring Greenwich Village and SoHo have such status and the reason is clear to anyone who walks their streets. Despite many changes, the Village is an extraordinary remnant of 19th-century residential Manhattan and SoHo has been preserved as the nation's greatest concentration of cast-iron architecture. The claims for Ladies' Mile require a little more neck-straining; one has to look up to see the remarkable windows and rich ornamentation of the great old mercantile palaces. Drive to protect the Ladies’ Mile District http://www.preserve2.org/ladiesmile/editorial.htm
With R. H. Macy leading the way in the mid-1850s with a flagship store at Sixth and 14th, and A.T. Stewart's Cast Iron Palace at 9th Street, Sixth Avenue from 9th north to 23rd is lined with big, buxom Beaux- Arts buildings that catered to ladies who lunched and then shopped. In Ladies' Mile heyday, over a dozen huge emporia lined the avenue. http://www.forgotten-ny.com/STREET%20SCENES/deepsix/deepsix.html more on Macys
The Ladies' Mile is remembered in the 23rd Street subway station with hat tiles
“From the 1880s through the 1920s, 23rd Street was a major vaudeville,
entertainment, and cultural district, and ‘Ladies Mile,’ the fashion and
department store haven of the time, was located nearby,” states the
The hats are stand-ins for the celebs of the day, among them Lily Langtry, Sarah
Bernhardt, Isadora Duncan, P.T. Barnum (that’s his top hat in the center photo).
Preceding the third Wallacks Theatre [map] had been two on Broadway near Broome Street (Soho) from 1852-1861, and then Broadway at Thirteenth Street (just south of Union Square) from 1861-1881.Mar. 5, 1890 I am ashamed to say I have not yet ordered your cards for I have not had time to get down to Macys. But I am going there soon about a bonnet, and will then order them.
Apr. 17, 1890 It was so lovely this Morning, that when I left the Photograph gallery about 1/2 past 11 I took a walk down 5th Avenue and through 14th St to Macys and back.
Apr. 12, 1893 I have been trying to get to Macy's to investigate the matter about the shirts. I asked the salesman if he was sure all the shirts were 16 inches and he said "Oh, yes!" As much as to tell me he never made mistakes. "6th Ave Elevated 1893, near 14th Street"
Union Square first opened in 1832. It takes its name from a confluence of two major roads, Broadway and the Bowery Road (which subsequently became 4th Avenue). Previously known as Union Place from 1808, it was built up and made a public park 24 years later. http://daytoninmanhattan.blogspot.com/search/label/union%20square
During the 1870's theaters, hotels, and fine restaurants, reflecting the exuberance of the growing city, made this neighborhood the center of good living and gaiety. In the late 1860's Delmonico's restaurant moved from the City Hall section to 14th Street and Fifth Avenue. WPA Guide to New York City, 1939
[map] 14th Street near Irving Place.
110 East. 14th St.: Now NYU structure built by Davis Brody Bond in 1998.
Built on site of Luchow's (1882), famous German restaurant; hangout for
music figures from Enrico Caruso to Cole Porter to Leonard Bernstein, as well as
writers like Mencken and Dreiser.
http://www.nysonglines.com/14st.htm and Union Square East South
Union Square
Hotel was at the southeast corner of 15th and Union
Square West. Single-tax advocate
Henry George
died here, October 29, 1897.
Marjorie and Mary Glen in Union Square
Nov 2002
Union Square at West 16th St.
Brentano's Literary Emporium was between 16th and 17th Streets. Farther west and north toward Sixth Avenue, the shopping center included Hearn's, B. Altman's, Siegel-Cooper, and farther south on Broadway, Stewart's and Daniels." WPA Guide to New York City, 1939
The redbrick and
white-stone Century Building (built in 1881, 33 E. 17th St.) on the square's
north side, is now a Barnes & Noble bookstore, which has preserved the
building's original cast-iron columns and other architectural details. The
building at 17th Street and Union Square East, now housing the New York Film
Academy and the Union Square Theatre, was the final home of
Tammany Hall.
Sights of New York, Union Square
Tammany Hall
136 East 16th Street, Rowhouse converted to five French Flats 1889. http://www.preserve2.org/gramercy/proposes/land/marks/134_136_138e16.htm The west side of Broadway between 17th and 18th Streets has changed little since 1911.
The Union Square Theatre was in the center of the Union Place Hotel, on 14th Street, on the south side of Union Square, between Broadway and 4th Avenue 1872-1883. http://www.nysonglines.com/14st.htm and University Place South/Union square West Durham Union Square Theatre Company
Acme Theatre, movie house 1921, Union Square Theatre 58 East 14th St Built as part of the Union Square Hotel. In 1870, opened as a variety house run by Sheridan Shook, who left in 1872, yielding it to Albert M. Palmer, who had great success changing the policy to dramatic works. After he left in 1883, his successors restored vaudeville, and Keith & Albee later added it to their chain. In 1921, it was the Acme, a movie house that eventually showed Soviet films. Widely believed to have been razed in 1936, it may have remained within its larger building until the 1990s. Internet Broadway Data Base http://www.ibdb.com/venue.asp?ID=1368
AM Palmer disbanded his stock company in 1885 and moved to the Madison Square Theatre. The Union Square Theatre burned down in 1888, was rebuilt but never regained its former reputation.
Union Square South features a Virgin Megastore and a
Circuit City. Like most of the new buildings on this stretch of 14th, designed
by Davis Brody Bond architects (1999). No. 56, on this site, used to be
the Union Square Theater
http://www.nysonglines.com/14st.htm and Broadway South
Union Square Theatre, circa 1895-1897- Virtual
Union Square
and Gramercy Park Walking Tours
more on Union Square
850 [Broadway]: Site of Wallack's Theater, which Newland Archer attends in The Age of Innocence. http://www.nysonglines.com/13st.htm and Broadway North
One of the Square's most elaborate cast-iron facades. Tiffany's, was designed by John Kellum to resemble a Venetian palace. When it opened (on the southwest corner of 15th Street and Union Square West) in 1870, the New York Times called it "A Jewel Palace" and described its elevator as "a dummy engine which hoists goods and people from one floor to another on a sliding platform."" Unfortunately, this worldly palace has been modernized and resurfaced in white brick. Drive to Protect the Ladies Mile District http://www.preserve2.org/ladiesmile/broadway.htm
Tiffany's jewelry store was on the west side of Union Square, at 15th Street 11-15 (corner) 15th St. Amalgamated Bank is on site of Tiffany's (1870-1905). http://www.nysonglines.com/university.htm University Place and West 15th St.
New York, Jan. 2, 1889 I have this Afternoon exchanged the ring and have it ready for mail. Will post and register it tomorrow or vice versa. I hope it will be large enough. I got one pearl & two rubies, very much like the other and three dollars more, but the gentleman who waited on me today called me by name, and I smiled and said "You know me?" and he said "Yes and it is the first time I ever saw you off the stage, but I recognized you as soon as you opened the door".
Was Tiffany's where Neppie's engagement ring came from?
Detroit, Dec. 13, 1892 [I] shall be
just as well pleased with a letter telling me you are all well, as with the
richest gift you could possibly buy from Tiffanys.
141 East 14th St. original
Tammany Hall
built 1830
Third and Fourth Avenues. Smaller auditorium became
Tony Pastor's
Music Hall
Tammany's Last Stand, James S Kaplan
1882 program Employees of J & C Johnston
at Tammany Hall, AE Nickinson, Recording Secretary
Tony Pastors Theatre "a little playhouse in the Tammany Hall Building, on the north side of 14th Street, near Third Avenue. The attractions are invariably of the variety order." Kings NYC
Albert Nickinson wrote to his mother of Tony Pastors as an eleven year old .
At 14th Street corner (now Con Edison building) was the Academy of Music (1854-1926), cultural hub of New York's elite; setting of opening scene of Age of Innocence. Hosted famous ball for Prince of Wales, later Edward VII, 1860. President-elect Lincoln saw Verdi's Masked Ball here (1861). After fashion moved to Metropolitan Opera House, presented vaudeville and later silent movies.
Matthew Brady’s photography studio caught the glamour of the age in his portraits of society beauties displayed in his Broadway window. At the studio of stage photographer Napoleon Sarony at [37] Union Square, actors posed in costume for publicity shots.
Union Square Hotel was at the southeast corner of 15th and Union Square West. Single-tax advocate Henry George died here, October 29, 1897.
Mar. 29, 1886 George Riddle
me tickets for his course of readings, the 1st on Saturday night at
Chickering Hall.
Chickering Hall was at the corner of Fifth Avenue
and 18th Street.
Kings NYC
Philadelphia, Oct. 31, 1894, Hattie to Neppie The part is a hard one for she has to wear four dresses, two she had made at Simpson & Crawford's [department store], the ball dress she had, and I freshened it up & in the last act she wore one of her Joseph dresses.
Simpson's & Crawford's department store, Fifth Ave. between 19th and 20th Streets [1897 New York Times ad]
Players' Club [map]
At 15 Gramercy Park West, 1845, remodeled 1888 by
Stanford White
after Edwin
Booth bought the building and turned it into an actors' club. From 47
East 21st Street it would have been a very short walk to the Players Club. The
Players Club is to the left of the National Arts Club in this photograph.
Thanks to Syrl Silberman and Saul Rubin for this picture and report -- several
years before I made it to NY in search of EJ Phillips.
The National Arts Club is more accessible to the public than the Players Club.
Medallions on
Players' Club porch entrance
Boston, Apr. 29, 1890 I went to the "Players
Club" reception last Wed'day. It was an awful crush and I became very
tired. Saw many new faces and met many old friends. I was there from half past
three until after five. It was ladies day, no gentlemen admitted unless members
of the club.
Rose garden in Gramercy Park.
Edwin Booth statue Dedication of the statue 1919
A Certain Club One Hundred Years of the Players, John Tebbel 1989
The chapter Ladies at the Club notes that the first Ladies' Day was April 29
1889 -- Shakespeare's Birthday -- so EJ Phillips went to the second one.
Ladies were welcome only in the Great Hall and adjoining rooms and the Library
-- but signs posted "Don't stand on the stairs."
Gramercy Park Historic District http://www.preserve2.org/gramercy/gna.htm
Boston, May 22, 1886 [Walden] Ramsey's mother died Tuesday and was buried yesterday from [Episcopalian] Church of the Holy Communion -- 6th Ave [and 20th Street] New York
The Limelight Corner (660 6th Ave): A dance club since 1990; has been closed down at times over accusations of drug sales, as well as general opposition to nightlife. Was Church of the Holy Communion (1846), designed by Richard Upjohn, who designed the new Trinity Church about the same time. http://www.nysonglines.com/20st.htm and 6th Avenue.
New York Nov 29, 1895 I went to 11 o'clock Service at Calvary [Church] and to shop [theater] at 1. Mrs. Ahearn gave me my [Thanksgiving] dinner at 12:25.
Calvary Church "has long been one of the leading Episcopal parishes... and is the center of much beneficent activity. The congregational singing is very fine, trained singers being scattered throughout the congregation. [Kings NYC]
Calvary Church in 2003 housed a Furniture Store (Park Ave. South) and thrift shop (21st St. and Park Ave. South). I' should write and ask them about the trained singers scattered throughout the congregation that Kings NYC report http://www.nycago.org/Organs/NYC/html/CalvaryEpis.html Calvary seems to have merged with St. George's Church http://www.calvarystgeorges.org/
Designed by James Renwick Jr. in 1846. It was the Roosevelt family's church (including Teddy and Eleanor). Rev. Edward Washburn, rector 1865-81, was model for Dr. Ashmore in Edith Wharton's Age of Innocence. http://www.nysonglines.com/21st.htm and Park Avenue South Churches and EJP
Broadway & 21st St. above
Park &
Tilford's Grocery Store [picture from NYPL]
Mar. 5, 1894
I hope you will be able to come over and see me this
week. I have Matinees Wed & Sat. Take 23rd St ferry and car to Broadway. The
entrance to this house is on Broadway. You cannot miss it. If I am satisfied
with this house I shall remain here next week, making the journey to Brooklyn by
Broadway car, Bridge & Brooklyn Elevated to Park Theatre. If I do not like it,
I shall move over to the Clarendon in Brooklyn next week.
36 East 21st Street
Mar. 14, 1893
Arrived in the City yesterday and went to
St Denis at 4:40 PM. Came up to
47 E 21st and learned there was a
room vacant here. Came over and liked it and took it, and moved here this
Morning. I have the 2nd story front room, not so large as
Nagles or
Beechers, but better furnished and more cosy. Two closets, running hot & cold
water in one.
Mar. 24, 1893 The 23rd Street ferry is so convenient you would not have far to walk. Get out of the car at 23rd Street and B'way as this house is nearer the latter than 4th Ave.
47 East 21st St [map]
(1888-1891) This was the home and boarding house of
Dr. and Mrs. Dr. Nagle.
39 W. 12th. St. may have also been an earlier Nagles.
47 East 2lst St.
47 is the Microcomputer store. Obviously not the 19th century building.
Microcomputer Store Inc.
51 East 21st St. July/Aug. 1895 Full at Nagles so they advised me to come here. Have my choice of three rooms here, but think I shall decide on 2nd story back room, as I do not like climbing into the 3rd story. I am now in 3rd story front, but will change on Thursday when it will be vacated.
Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace NHS is located at 28 East 20th Street, between Broadway and Park Avenue South. http://www.nps.gov/thrb/ Original demolished in 1916, later rebuilt with many original furnishings from Roosevelt's wife and sisters.
Newark NJ Feb. 27, 1896 I do not yet know where I can locate in New York. I am trying to find out about the "Chelsea House", 313 West 22nd Street.
EJP doesn't seem to have ended up at the Chelsea House, but one of Ted Nickinson's daughters and family lived at 360 W. 22nd Street in the 1960's.
Mar. 5, 1894 We play at Grand Opera House tonight and for the week. Next week in Brooklyn, where on Saturday night our present season closes, and a new company is formed under the management of Mr. Gustave Frohman.
Grand Opera House [map] was at the northwest corner of Eighth Avenue and West 23rd Street, New York, seated 2,000 with room for 1,500 more to stand. Built by Samuel N. Pike, the builder of Pike's Opera House in Cincinnati", opened in 1868. [Kings NYC] John Nickinson was stage manager at an earlier Pike's Opera House in Cincinnati, and EJ Phillips was playing there when he died in Feb 1864.
When Mrs. Phillips was playing in Cincinnati Mr. Pike brought a light to dark lavender brocade ball gown worn to a reception in Cincinnati for the Prince of Wales, later Edward VII, in about 1861, saying it was too conspicuous for his wife to wear often, and if Mrs. Phillips could use it, she might have it. A piece of the silk ended up in a family crazy quilt.
Hotel Chelsea 23rd St. 1884 http://www.hotelchelsea.com/historytop.html 23rd Street's golden age as a theater strip would pass, but in the late 19th Century the Chelsea was in the center, with the Opera House Palace and Pike's Opera House (24th Street and 8th Avenue) down the block and Proctor's Theater ("continuous daily vaudeville") opening across 23rd Street. It was not until January of 1893 that this began to change, with the establishment of The Empire -- Broadway's first proper theater -- near 40th Street uptown.
West 23rd Street - Corner: Former site of the Grand Opera-House; originally Pike's Opera House (1868), bought soon after by financiers Jay Gould and Jim Fisk, partly as showcase for Fisk's mistress, Josie Mansfield, partly as offices for Gould and Fisk's Erie Railway. During 1869 "Black Friday" panic -- caused by Fisk and Gould's attempts to corner gold -- Fisk allegedly hid in Opera- House vaults. Fisk was shot in 1872 by Edward Stokes, a rival for Mansfield; his funeral was held at the Opera- House. http://www.nysonglines.com/23st.htm and 9th Avenue.
Lyceum Theatre West side of Fourth Avenue between 23rd and 24th Streets. (1887-1899) Isabella Nickinson and her husband Charles WalcottJr. joined Daniel Frohman's' company in New York and appeared at the Lyceum Theatre from 1887-1899.
Boston May
19, 1889 This is the last
week of Capt.
Swift until next August 26th,
Grand Opera House NY.
See also letter from
Lake City Sept., 14, 1886
Fifth Avenue Hotel Madison Square West, opened 1859, and was demolished in 1908. It has been replaced by the International Toy Center in the Fifth Avenue Building, 200 Fifth Ave. more on Madison Square
first Metropolitan Museum of Art, Steinway Hall, the
Academy of Music, as
well as various publishing houses and booksellers, sheet music dealers, and
fancy restaurants, gave cultural cachet to the commercial district. The famous
character actor
Edwin Booth
opened a theater on 23rd Street near Sixth Avenue in 1869.
Sarah Bernhardt
made her New York debut here in 1880.
http://www.nysonglines.com/23st.htm and 6th Avenue
at 13th and Broadway showed Restoration comedies.
April 29th [1886] New York Ashland House, Fourth Ave. & 24th Street,
A.A. Brockway, Proprietor Oct 1886
We came to this hotel on Tuesday 6 PM. We leave for Boston on Sunday
Oct 6, 1886 Ashland House Dr & Mrs. Nagle & I [Hattie] went up to 42nd St. [Depot to meet Mama at 9 o'clock & here we are. Mama asked me to write, as we have been out & she is feeling a little tired. She is well & looks the same as ever. You can imagine that we have done quite some talking. We are living on the European plan.
The Ashland House was a popular hotel here from 1869 until the 1890s. Corner: East 24th St. and Fourth Ave [Park Ave. South] http://www.nysonglines.com/4av.htm#24st and East 24th St.
e. 50 West 24th St [map] (1887-1888) Now Masonic Hall? Couldn't find this number in 2003.
Oct. 4, 1887 Well this morning I went to 50 West 24th where Mr. [Herbert] Millward roomed last winter (and will again if he does not have to travel all season with Jim [the Penman] No 1 Co) and there I can have 3rd story front room heated for $8 per week. She will try to give me breakfast in my room, and the other meals I will take out. I shall not have carfare or hansom fare to pay. And in the long run I think, be cheaper than anything else, and when I feel like eating I shall not be tied down to boarding house fare.
April 18, 1888 The 23rd Street ferry is very convenient to this house.
New York Nov. 19, 1890 Yesterday went to the Brunswick Hotel to hear Mrs. Kendal address the Goethe Society. Subject "The Stage". Heard nothing new but the subject was nicely put together, and very clearly delivered by Mrs. Kendall who has a very sweet toned voice.
The Brunswick Hotel was on Madison Square at Fifth Avenue and 25th Street "much favored by English tourists and is patronized also by the wealthy young men about town". [Kings NYC?]
An ad in an 1887-'88 14th Street Theatre program reads "Table d' Hote Dinner at the Hotel Brunswick from 6 to 8 p.m. $1.50 The restaurant a la carte is open until 1 o'clock for the accommodation of Theatre parties."
April 14, 1886 Hattie went to luncheon with Mr. Simmons and Lizzie today at Delmonico's
Delmonico's had moved uptown from Wall
Street in 1876, to the south side of 26th Street, between Fifth Avenue and
Broadway "to provide a place for the cream of society to dine and dance". Blue
Daytonian in Manhattan Delmonicos
Some of the earliest eating establishments in the city were taverns and food stalls, but there is little historical record of them, [curator William] Grimes said. So, instead, the exhibit begins with the growth of Delmonico’s, a classy, French- style restaurant. Delmonico’s, credited with inventing popular dishes such as Baked Alaska and Lobster Newberg, attracted the city’s movers and shakers throughout the 19th century and expanded uptown as well- heeled diners made it a hot spot. But like many other fancy restaurants in the city, Delmonico’s could not survive Prohibition, when alcohol was banned. The restaurant shut its doors in 1923. Prohibition was repealed a decade later. A modern-day restaurant in New York called Delmonico's is in the style of the original and serves some of the same dishes, but it is not connected to the original owners. "New York Eats Out" exhibit at New York Public Library, 2002. http://stacks.msnbc.com/news/mobilechannel/842164.htm
Madison Square Garden (the building) is now on West 31st. St, but was preceded by two previous Madison Square Gardens on the East side, at Madison Square Park.
Madison Square Park
between East 23rd and East 26th.http://www.newyorkled.com/madisonpark.htm
Named after James Madison, established 1836.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madison_Square Madison Square Park has a
statue of US
Senator Roscoe Conkling who died after trying to walk home in the
Blizzard of
Madison Square Park
Madison Square, much more tranquil and leafy than Union Square
Bartholdi Day Oct. 28 1886 Dedication of the Statue of Liberty Between 1876 and 1882, the right arm and torch of the Statue of Liberty were on display in [Madison Square] park, in order to raise money for the construction of the statue. http://www.aviewoncities.com/nyc/madisonsquare.htm Fundraising for the platform took some years to complete, finally being organized by Joseph Pulitzer.
The General William Jenkins Worth Monument, Broadway, 5th Avenue, and 25th Street, a memorial to the Mexican War general {1794-1849) and his gravesite. Sculptor James Batterson 1857. "After being temporarily buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx, the esteemed soldier, whose writings are still mandatory for West Point cadets, was laid to rest in Worth Square on November 25, 1857. A grand procession of 6500 soldiers and high-toned speeches marked the ceremony.second oldest monument in the parks of the City of New York and without a doubt the least known gravesite in the city. http://daytoninmanhattan.blogspot.com/2010/03/major-general-worth-monument.html
William Jenkins Worth Monument New York Songlines,
http://www.nysonglines.com/broadway.htm#25st Broadway and West 25th St.
THE WORTH MONUMENT At the junction of Broadway, Fifth Avenue, and Twenty-fifth Street is a small, triangular park, in which is a granite obelisk, known as the Worth Monument. If we read the bronze bands which are around the stone, we find inscribed Chippewa and Lundys Lane of the War of 1812 and nearly every battle of the Mexican War in which either Taylor or Scott fought; for Major-General William J. Worth was the right hand man of both these commanders. Worth was a native of Hudson and a very distinguished officer. He died in Texas in 1849, and his body was brought here later. After lying in state in the City Hall, it was buried with imposing ceremonies on November 25, 1857, under this monument erected by the City of New York. It has become customary in late years to erect reviewing stands abreast of the monument when parades and processions pass down Fifth Avenue to the Washington Arch, or up the avenue to points above. Here the reviewing officer, whether president, governor, mayor, or other distinguished person, takes his stand. Jenkins, Greatest Street in the World, 1911
Stanford White's Madison Square Garden Theatre NE corner of Madison Square (1890-1925) AM Palmer managed originally.
The Actor's Fund Fair was held May 2-7, 1892 in Stanford White's new (opened 1890) Madison Square Garden . "The entire floor was laid out as a miniature village of one street in the midst of a plain. The buildings were models of famous theatres of ancient London and older New York , and the architecture and picturesque local color of several centuries and of places far distant from each other were cleverly brought into harmony.
The Garden Theatre was a portion of Stanford White's Madison Square Garden structure, but separately managed. The auditorium, eight boxes, a gallery and a balcony seated about 1200. The bases of the box tiers and the heavy columns forming the frame of the outer proscenium arch were of onyx and the wall hung with silk in tints of light yellow and cream. Kings NYC 1893
Now the site of the New York Life Building (1928) building by Cass Gilbert, the designer of the Woolworth Tower; the rooftop pyramid is a trademark. Built on site of New York, New Haven & Hartford Depot, which in 1871 became P.T. Barnum's Hippodrome, later Gilmore's Garden, which the Vanderbilt family turned into the original Madison Square Garden. This was torn down and rebuilt in 1890 to a design by Stanford White -- considered his masterwork. Topped by Augustus Saint-Gaudens' Diana (now in Philadelphia Museum of Art; a smaller copy is at the Met). In 1906, White was shot and killed in his building's Roof Garden by Harry K. Thaw, jealous husband of White's former mistress Evelyn Nesbit. http://www.nysonglines.com/4av.htm#27st
March 29, 1886 Barnum had to postpone his procession Saturday night and will have to tonight, for it is still raining 4:45 PM and looks as if it meant to continue all night.
PT Barnum
In 1874, circus master P.T. Barnum purchased an abandoned railroad shed at 26th
Street and Madison Avenue. Originally called, "Barnum's Monster Classical and
Geological Hippodrome," the open-air building was unveiled on April 27, 1874 and
promoted spectacles featuring everything from chariot races to waltzing
elephants to fire-eating showmen.
The lease to Barnum's Hippodrome changed ownership and titles several times, becoming "Gilmore's Garden" in 1875, and eventually, "Madison Square Garden" on Memorial Day 1879 when William Vanderbilt took over the five-year-old facility
Madison Square Theatre, 24th St. (5th and Madison) 1877 Built after a fire destroyed the previous theatre on the site, (the south side of 24th Street, between Broadway and Sixth Avenue) Rebuilt by Steele MacKaye in 1879 "as one of the earliest "intimate" playhouses. Demolished in 1908.
It was 'the remarkable Madison Square Company' according to Lewis C. Strang, 'rather than the plays that were given, which brought such reputation to the house".
New York
Clipper offices 47 West 28th St.
Another Paul Meconi storefront was the office of the
New York
Clipper, ''the oldest American Sporting & Theatrical Journal''; top
floor was Whitney-Warner Publishing Company (''Hiawatha'').
http://www.nysonglines.com/28st.htm and 6th Avenue
A's American Actors Amateur Athletic Association [map] 43 West 29th Street *
San Francisco, July 31, 1890
I asked [Maurice]
Barrymore about the 5 A's which he was one of the founders, but
has not taken an active part lately. Scan in Albert's guest pass
card when I find it.
Little Church Around the Corner
of the Transfiguration, One East 29th Street, Between Fifth Avenue and Madison
The difficulty in finding a church
in which to hold George Holland's funeral in 1870 (the father of
Holland) led
Jefferson to exclaim "Thank God for the Little Church Around the Corner"
by which the church has been known ever since.
Edwin Booth's funeral was held at the Church of the Transfiguration.
Richard Mansfield's desk is in Guild Hall, One East 29th St. and he has a stained glass window in the Church of the Transfiguration, Episcopal Actors' Guild of America, Inc. https://www.facebook.com/gary.kimble.77/posts/10203207131271795
Broadway & 29th St. 1186 Broadway (southeast corner)
1897 I located in the above this afternoon a little before 4 o'clock.
Tried the New Amsterdam -- but they had only two single rooms vacant -- both
dark and about the size of [grandson's] Ted's bedroom - would not have held my
trunks. Nagles
had no empty rooms so I came here. Have a plain room on the 4th floor with
running cold water, no hot for $1 per day. Am taking meals on the European
plan. Guess it will be a little expensive but I can take meals where I please.
Maurice Barrymores often had a suite at the Sturtevant, before moving to
an apartment on 59th Street and Fifth Avenue in 1890.
Breslin Apartments; formerly Breslin Hotel. Houses Silver Street, Speed Zone
Inc., Drama Ltd. Creative Clothing and other wholesalers. Previously on this
site was Sturtevant House, where on June 2, 1873, novelist Mansfield
Walworth was shot to death by his son for making threats against the son's
http://www.nysonglines.com/29st.htm and Broadway South
SE corner of 29th and Broadway
Gilsey House
NE corner of Broadway & 29th St.
Gilsey House Northeast corner Broadway & 29th St. (1200 Broadway): Opened in 1871 as the Gilsey Hotel, this cast-iron Second Empire landmark was the first hotel in the city to offer telephone service to guests. It was a favorite of Diamond Jim Brady and Oscar Wilde. Converted to housing in 1979. New York Songlines, 29th St. http://www.nysonglines.com/29st.htm and Broadway North
Daytonian in Manhattan Gilsey House http://daytoninmanhattan.blogspot.com/2010/03/gilsey-house-29th-and-broadway.html
The Gilsey at Twenty-ninth Street on the east side, the Grand [Hotel] at Thirty-first Street, just above, now called the New Grand, the Coleman House on the west side between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth streets, the Hotel Martinique at the north-east corner of Thirty-second Street, and the Sturtevant at 1186 Broadway, a favorite stopping place for officers of the army and navy. The last two have disappeared, the Gilsey is termed the New Breslin, and the Imperial at Thirty-first to Thirty-second streets, the finest hotel of all, has been erected and enlarged within less than fifteen years. Where the Gilsey House now stands was the field of the St. George Cricket Club, which was formed by the Englishmen who patronized Clark and Brown's English chop-house in Maiden Lane; the grounds of the club are now on Staten Island. At the southeast corner of Twenty-sixth Street, Delmonico's up-town restaurant was located from 1876 to 1888, when the Cafe Martin took its place and succeeded to its popularity. There are a number of well-known restaurants and Rathskellers on this part of the thoroughfare. Jenkins, Greatest Street in the World, 1911
Daly's Theatre (1879) [map] 1221 Broadway more
Wallacks' Theatre [map] (third 1882) Broadway and 30th Street (just south of Greeley Square) then Palmer's Theatre, (1888) then in1891 Hoyt's Theatre more
Jan 24, 1892 I rehearse at 11 tomorrow and at 3 PM have to attend a "tea & reception" at the Holland House [Hotel] [30th St & 5th Avenue] given by the committee of "The Actors Fund Fair" to be held in May at the Madison Square Garden. I suppose the object to-morrow will be to see what everybody concerned is willing to do, to make the affair a success.
Holland House including drawings an d photos, http://secondat.blogspot.com/2010/08/holland-house.html more Holland House
Marble Collegiate Church (1854) on 5th Ave and 29th St. was certainly around (but not yet associated with Norman Vincent Peale) when EJP was in the neighborhood. History http://www.marblechurch.org/AboutUs/History/tabid/65/Default.aspx
475 Fourth Ave [map] 1886
Feb. 7, 1886
new agent called for the rent yesterday, and said when our lease expired in May
that the rent would be $45 and they would like to know as early as possible if
we intended remaining. I do not think a cheaper Flat can be found in the City
although a smaller one would now do me and [daughter] Hattie - but where to find
one in a respectable locality is the difficulty.
New York City Directory
1890-1891 puts 475 Fourth Ave. between East 31st and E. 32nd St.
475 (corner Fourth Ave): This 35-floor 1969 building has a plaza
sculpture, Triad, based on the Picasso painting
Three Musicians.
and east 32nd St east
Fourth Avenue is not nearly as long as the other Avenues. It is an extension of the Bowery, running only from Astor Place in the East Village to Union Square. 475 may well have housed a number of actors, as we have a calling card of Mrs. LeMoyne with the same address.
There are only two buildings now between East 31st and 32nd Streets. 461 is only several stories high, but what must have been 475 is now a very tall bank building, graced with vinyl free checking signs and a mural about the healthy cardiovascular advantages of high fiber diets(in 2003).
History of Fourth Ave. http://forgotten-ny.com/2001/07/de-classified-4-a/ As presently constituted, Fourth Avenue runs only a scant six blocks, between Astor Place on the south to East 14th Street and Union Square at the north. The short section between East 4th Street and Astor Place is designated by NYC street signs as being part of Cooper Square, and we’ll hew to that designation here. North of Union Square, Park Avenue South and further north, Park Avenue, take over Fourth Avenue’s slot. Park Avenue South and Park Avenue, though, in the dim past were once known as Fourth Avenue. as the building on Park Ave. S and East 23rd Street indicates.
4th Avenue Manhattan's Shortest Avenue https://forgotten-ny.com/2009/01/four-shortened-manhattans-shortest-numbered-avenue/
26 West 31st. Street
[map] between 5th Ave and Broadway
(1891- 1892)
26 West 31st. St, Nov 23. 1891 You ask
if I am far from my old boarding house. Yes, it is quite a walk -- ten blocks
-- that was 21st Street near 4th Avenue. This is 31st near B'way. My work
will be at "Palmer's"
Theatre this Winter and that is on the corner of B'way and 30th Street.
And on the North side of 30th Street. This house being on the South side of
31st. Therefore I do not have to cross a street to go to my place of business.
Dec. 3, 1891 I think I am living in the house of the late Henry Ward Beecher. The initials of this gentleman are H.W.. He is not here a great deal himself but his wife and family are. [But Henry Ward Beecher had lived in Brooklyn and the NY City Directory 1890-1891 lists Herbert W. Beecher at this address.]
New York, Feb. 5, 1892 The house [26 West 31st. St.] is between B'way and 5th Avenue, just back of the Grand Hotel [Broadway and 31st. St.]
Seems to be a
construction site, largely a hole in the ground on the south side of 31st. St.
in June 2003.
March 2005 Still under construction, but well above ground now.
more on West
31st. Street
Theatre 6th Ave between 32nd and 33rd Sts
Apr. 6, 1894 On our way I showed him [Walter
Dolman] the various theatres, and last night he was called to a
rehearsal at Standard Theatre. This Morning found his way there alone taking
6th Ave L to 33rd St and he got back all right.
Waldorf Hotel
5th Ave. and 33rd. St. [now site of the Empire State
Mar. 19,
1893 The New
Waldorf Hotel was opened on Thursday to the Public and
everybody is amazed at the magnificence displayed. Only $20 per day for a suite
consisting of Parlor, bedroom & bathroom. Meals extra. It is on the European
plan. I guess we could live there for about $40 per day, $280 per week. Not
much for a Rockefeller or Vanderbilt but the Astors will never get it out of
this child. Cause why? She hasn't got that much & never will have. And if she
had, would not spend it so foolishly.
Metropolitan Opera House
[map] Block bounded by Broadway, Seventh Avenue, 39th & 40th Streets.
New York Nov. 19, 1890
Tomorrow appear at Metropolitan Opera
House for Benefit of Cath[olic] Orphan Asylum.
Empire Theatre [map] 1893 Charles
Frohman 1430 Broadway, at 40th
Philadelphia, Mar. 24, 1894 Mr.
Frank Connor
tells me he has had an interview with
Humphreys at the
Empire Theater
and he told Mr. Conner that at present there was nothing being done in
regard to new plays or "casts". So for the present there is no sense in my
going to NY and presenting myself to the New York Managers.
Daytonian in Manhattan Empire Theatre http://daytoninmanhattan.blogspot.com/2011/10/lost-1893-empire-theatre-broadway-at.html
Hotel, Broadway, 41st and 42nd Sts
Geo. T. Putney
& Co, Proprietor
Oct. 4, 1887
I arrived 10:30 Sunday night and came with
Mr. & Mrs. [Louis]
Massen to this hotel where Mr. Massen thought, and tried to make terms
for me, but in vain. Everything is too high for me. Nothing less than $25 per
week that would be fit to live in.
Grand Central Depot
at 42nd Street
Grand Central Depot
http://www.grandcentralterminal.com/history/ Built by Cornelius
Vanderbilt, opened 1871.
Daytonian in Manhattan Grand Central Depot
"The existing building is not the first facility to be built on 42nd street. Construction of the first building, called Grand Central Depot, was begun in 1869 when Commodore Vanderbilt was in charge of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad. .. When the New York Central moved to the new Grand Central Depot in 1871, the old station at 27th Street was bought by P.T. Barnum and converted into the first Madison Square Garden. The current Madison Square Garden was built over the site of the old (and Grand) Pennsylvania Station. Grand Central Depot was inadequate from the day it was completed in 1871 until it was replaced by Grand Central Terminal in 1913. " Pierce Haviland, NJ, NY & CT Railroad page http://piercehaviland.com/rail/gct.htm
Central Depot 1872
Phillips was forever getting on or off of trains. Railroads
The Windemere (southwest corner of 57th and Ninth), built in 1881, is an early
luxury apartment house or "French
Central Park was far north of the theatre district at this time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Park#1870%E2%80%931876:_completion Olmstead was designing Central Park 1857-1873 which means it was very new when EJ Phillips moved to New York in 1878. She never mentions it, but was almost certainly aware of it. Would John Nickinson have ever seen it in the early 1860s? We have playbills and photographs associated with him in New York from that time.
John Nickinson, Jr. listed in an 1886 New York City Directory as living at 221 East 81st. St. and working as a clerk.
Outlying theatres and other sites
Apr. 12,
1893 Hotel Peteler, SE Corner of 124th Street & Lexington Ave NY . I
am half a block from back entrance of theatre -- board is very good, and I get
it for $9 per week -- quite a save on $20. I am saved the long ride after the
performance and as we give 2 matinees -- today, the other on Saturday, I am
spared from riding up and down and buying lunches as I should have to do on
Matinee days for business up here is better than at the Square, and the play
receives more enthusiastic applause. The theatre is a fine large one -- fronts
on 125th Street and runs back to 124th. I think the auditorium will hold more
than double the number than could get in at Union Square. [Actually
1800 compared to 1300 at the
Union Square
Harlem Opera House [map] was at 207 West 125th Street. Opened in 1889, it was owned and managed by Oscar Hammerstein.
Jan. 9, 1895 Hammerstein's Theatre where we are to play next week fronts on the North side of 125th Street and the back door is on 126th Street so the boarding house I expect to go to is 219 West 126th Street. I have written to the lady of the house, by name Mrs. FL Wandell, to see if she can accommodate me.
Outside Manhattan Brooklyn
Theatre, Brooklyn New York, Oct. 11, 1886
Brooklyn Daily Eagle Online 1841-1902 http://www.brooklynpubliclibrary.org/eagle/ has an account of the final performances at the Brooklyn Theatre June 2, 1890 (Richard Mansfield in A Parisian Romance and Rose Coghlan and Charles Walcottin Dion Boucicault's London Assurance)
Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy http://www.bbpc.net/
The Brooklyn Bridge
opened in 1883
I think I have an 1883 letter mentioning the bridge somewhere.
Brooklyn Bridge from South Street Seaport, March 2005
Greenwood Cemetery
Fifth Avenue and 25th St, Brooklyn
http://www.green-wood.com/hours-directions-rules/ History
A Map of Greenwood
mentions that Henry George, Laura Keene,
Lola Montez and Louis
Comfort Tiffany are buried here.
Greenwood Cemetery: Built to Last Video tour
Dramatic Mirror "Greenwood's Dramatic Shrines author
William Sidney Hillyer
Aug 20 1904 Part II notes that manager
Henry Jarrett is buried at
July 8 1905 Part III" lists actors buried at Greenwood as Lester Wallack and his father James William, Eliza Logan Wood and George Wood of Wood's Theatre, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Melton WalcottSr. parents of Nickinson son in law Charles Melton WalcottJr., John Parselle, and the husband and son of Mrs. GH Gilbert. This article also mentions the Niblo Mausoleum, presumably the family of Niblo's Garden [theater].
Greenwood's Burial Search http://www.green-wood.com/burial_results/index.php lists Kate Claxton, Charles M Walcottand Isabell [Nickinson] Walcot.
Henry Ward Beecher 1813-1887 http://www.green-wood.com/2010/henry-ward-beecher/ Beecher monument restoration http://www.green-wood.com/2010/henry-ward-beecher-saved/
Magear "Boss Tweed"
Civil War project
Bettmann, Otto L. The Good Old Days:
They were Terrible, New York, Random House, 1974
Old Buildings of New York City.
New York: The Trow Press, 1907
Crain, Esther, Ephemeral New York
Crain, Esther,
The Gilded Age in New York: 1870-1910, Black Dog & Leventhal, Hachette Book
Group, 2016
Dolkart, Andrew S. and Steven Wheeler, Touring Lower
Manhattan: Three Walks in New York's Historic Downtown. New York Landmarks
Conservancy, 2000.
Gotham Center for New York City History, Graduate Center, CUNY, New York
Janvier, Thomas, In Old New York with an introduction by Edwin G. Burrows, New
York: St. Martin's Press, 2000, First published 1894.
Kendrick, John, New York Theatres: Past and Present
King, Moses, King's Handbook of New York City 1892
Lockwood, Charles Bricks and Brownstones, The New York Row House 1783-1929
Martin, Justin, Genius of Place: The Life of Frederick Law Olmstead:
Abolitionist, Conservationist and Designer of central Park, Cambridge, Da Capo
Books, 2011
Mendelsohn, Joyce, Touring the Flatiron: Walks in Four Historic Neighborhoods,
New York Landmarks Conservancy, 1998
Naureckas, Jim, New York Songlines
http://www.nysonglines.com/ Virtual Walking Tours of Manhattan Streets
New York Landmarks Conservancy
New York Public Library, R. Waddell, Moving Uptown: Nineteenth Century Views of
Manhattan, 1998
Stern, Robert, Thomas Mellins and David Fishman, New York 1880: Architecture and
Urbanism in the Gilded Age, New York: Monacelli Press, 1999
Stern Robert AM, Gregory Gilmartin and John Massengale, New York 1900:
Metropolitan Architecture and Urbanisms 1890-1915, New York: Rizzoli, 1983.
Sullivan, James editor, History of New York State, 1927 http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001262471
Book II Chapter IV, Part II 1830's - 1850s New York
Book II Chapter IV Part IV Post Civil War New York City
Book II Chapter IV Part V 1870s -1880s
Book II Chapter IV Part VI 1890s
Williams, Ellen and Steve Radlauer, Historic Shops & Restaurants of New York,
New York: The Little Bookroom, 2002
New York Times
article archive
New York Tribune 1875-1895
Forgotten New York
New York Songlines Virtual Walking Tours of Manhattan Streets Jim Naureckas
More New York City references in Bibliographies of New York Letters 1886-1889 New York Letters 1890-1897 more New York background
Rinear, David, The Temple of Momus: Mitchell's Olympic Theater, Scarecrow Press, 1987
Last updated August 25, 2020
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